Sunday, March 8, 2009

Health, wealth, relationship skill = happiness

Self help for health, mental strength, depressions, addictions, phobias, using psych-therapy, psychology, diet, nutrition, health therapy.

$Billions in cash is used to pound your door telling you to buy 'snake oil' or that 'forever young look'.

We're a research charity so not looking to sell a pill or drug. We are seeking ways of helping to live longer in health-happiness.

Over 40,000 comparison studies mostly show-up that toxic drugs do not measure-up too well against non-drug therapy.

Even the non-event placebo has an average success of 42 %

Here comes our 'Violin solo' we need more funds not only for research, but also to tell you of progress with methods that naturally bring back well ness, helping a longer life.

News on health is 99% paid for by drug companies, so is a tiny bit biased.

Our simple old fashioned barter or
exchange proposal is this:

  • Tell us your objectives in short-long term health maintenance.

  • Examples: reducing weight, habit breaking, confidence boosting phobias-nerves, stress, sticky illness, long-term pain. You know all the usual suspects.

  • We provide you with home-based treatment self-help therapy, proven to work well.

  • (We have over 3,000 natural clinics world wide supporting us.)

  • Professional health-care therapists (volunteers) will be on-line to metaphorically hold your hand as you self-help.

  • In return for a few dollars towards our needs. Is this a good deal for you? family member?

Due Diligence: Read our free e book to see, How? Why?

We will guarantee to help you towards the changes of value-merit., wanted / needed.

Here for you a 1st time on the 'WEB' is a home based self-help easy to do health plan supported on-line.

A team of health-care people on call.

Your united health insurance, at low cost

Details in the e-book include:

How2 deal with depression, nerves-fears low confidence, self-esteem.

Help in regaining mental strength, health secrets in therapies and research from over 3,000 clinics.

Subjects: Therapy, slimming, diet, addictions, leisure sports improving golf, mental coaching in sport coaching, wealth gathering motivating

The e-book PDF type Dossier sent to the email address here:

First Name:

Family Name:

E-mail address:

This FREE guide to self-help assessments we send to you
has no strings or obligations attached to it.

The Health watch Team provides:

  • Self-help assessment and therapy.

  • Smoking, drug, alcohol and other addiction treatments

  • Health watch is a non drug research charity.

  • An exchange of research funds for health maintenance.


The Licensed Physician is responsible for matters medical.

Where there is a concern on a health condition, FIRST consult your Physician.

Drugless information given is an alternative, not a substitute.

Go here ( when you have ordered your Self-Belief Dossier see form above

Our Web site

How 2b Rich and Happy